Monday 26 August 2013

Fiancé Does My Nails

Here we have it. I challenged Andy to attempt certain nail designs that I've previously done.. Here are his efforts compared to my original work!

It initially looked as though the Minion was half way through brushing his teeth. He forgot the grey round the goggles, and he has no arms or hair! Gelato?

No, this isn't roadkill or something left in a toilet. It's Andy's attempt at a heart.

He gets a bit of credit for this one, it's quite neat. However there's been a top coat fail as you can see near the top left corner, he's not started at the top of the nail. 


Oh Dear. Oh Dear Dear Dear. What's right about this? At least it wasn't a "P" or something. It looks like an omelette. 

He's got the right idea, just not the steady hand for it!

While we had fun doing this in the hour or so it took, I think I'll stick to doing my own nails, and he'll stick to Football!

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