Thursday 7 January 2021

My Dreams 2020

 In 2018 I logged each dream I had in a note on my phone. I then typed it up into a blog post, and it made for an interesting read. In 2020, I decided to do the same. I started a new medication in the summer, and I was dreaming a lot. Many of my dreams around this time were repetitive and/or triggering, so I won't be including every single one. 

I'm driving, the way I'd normally go was blocked off so I had to take a detour. It was a country lane, but with two lanes for two way traffic. Cars start coming towards me on BOTH sides of the road. I dodge them, panicking. More start coming, as though they're rushing away from something. People crashing into each other, total chaos, floods of people. Then I see why, there's a gigantic tornado heading for us. It's huge, and terrifying. It just keeps coming towards us and I wake just as it's a metre away.


I was on a date with Chris Pratt for some reason, but I was sure he was still with Anna Faris at this point. We ended up in bed, and then he switched to a completely different person. This freaked me out and I woke up. (I didn't write who he switched to)


I was out in my car and bought two pizzas. People I don't know kept wanting my help, so they went cold and I couldn't eat them. 


I went to get a tattoo I've been wanting, but they overdid it. It was wonky, smudgy, black, and over elaborate. (This dream is a little creepy looking back, as it was shortly before my first tattoo. My first tattoo disappeared when it healed, and I had to get it redone. They redid it wonky, and it turned a dark colour 😲)


I was due to sing an Amy Winehouse song at a pub, but a PokΓ©mon song came on instead (one that doesn't exist). I didn't know the words or tune, but I was trying.


Bad flashback about an ex that I typed "I'm not going to elaborate"


I was inside a place that looks a lot like Saugus Ironworks from Fallout 4 (The place that houses the Forged raiders). Lots of vats of magma looking stuff. Something didn't feel right and I went outside, only then did the place explode. I was running and running and it was a HUGE end of the world looking explosion. The people that were left alive were screaming that we needed to head north, so that's where I started driving. I stopped in Sheffield to look for somewhere to sleep. People didn't believe me that there was a huge disaster and we needed to head north. Then a train crashed through the camp looking place, and killed most of the people. Horrified, I kept driving north. I don't remember anything after this.


I was shaving my hair off with a regular razor. I didn't get to see the final result but I was liking it. In what I think was a separate dream on the same day, I was trying to get to a comic con in a place I'd never heard of, but there were train problems. It was all futuristic but it was seriously windy in the station so I couldn't open any leaflets to find where I was going.


I was supposed to be going to Hell. I was home alone, avoiding being at windows or opening the door because I was due to be taken to Hell. Everything was dark and scary. There was a monster that was sort of like Kirby, except very scary and not remotely cute coming to take me to Hell. Cut to later when I'm there and someone I know is chasing me and it's hot and everything is slimy and made of flesh and blood. I'm trying to climb up a flesh wall to hide. I manage to get up onto a gross platform and lie still trying to hide, and that's the last thing I remember. After this dream, I had a night terror, I woke up and wasn't able to move for at least 10 minutes despite trying to. So strange that I was lying still hiding, then in real life I wasn't able to move. 


I woke up at 2am after a dream where I was dating someone who wasn't great. I had everything ready at mine for a date, the cooked food was even ready (I can't particularly cook in real life). The date used a group chat for some reason to tell me he decided to get off the bus and go shopping for something that I can't remember, but had nothing to do with me. He said he was "distracted by the lights" and wouldn't be coming. I told him it's a waste of food. The rest of the group chat then started posting photos of where I live, inside my house, where my doctors is, what medication I'm on, so they could all harass me.


Kanye West was following me. Not online, but walking uncomfortably behind me.


I was wearing something that people online were ripping the piss out of me for wearing, including one of my exes. The photo looked like a dance practice from the 80's, but apparently it was me. (I was really stressed at the time of this one, because next door were so noisy)


Nightmare that the person I was dating at the time was flirting with and kissing other people.


The weeds in my garden got so bad, that they started spreading into my kitchen. Also next door were bothering me lots coming into my house through the back, just being nosy.


I was at a B&B waiting for a vinegar delivery, but it felt super dangerous for some reason.


I was working at some kind of carnival. I was inside a sort of ticket machine stall thing. I had a colleague in a similar one a few metres away. He was always stabbing me in the stomach with a knife and I was constantly scared. But it was in the news lately that people were mysteriously dying and I had worked out it was when they had eaten a certain meal given by someone who had something to do with the government, meaning you had been 'marked' to be murdered in some horrible way. I had to work with this colleague in the hopes I could use how nasty and vicious he was as protection. I tried to seduce him so he'd come with me always. There's apparently a big part missing here, next thing I typed I was eating some kind of frog, and I was apparently now marked. I woke up VERY anxious in my chest. 


I was at Jeffree Star's house and I brought a kettle down to the pool to be filled. He was there so I had a dressing gown on and I was going to dip my legs into the pool for a while. When I tried, it released a swarm of aphids into the air from a nearby plant. There's a big gap here, then Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees were after me. They both found me, but had to fight each other first. For some reason, Myers had Freddy Krueger's glove, and he frisbeed it at Jason, which cut him up. He threw it back and I woke up. (How did he throw it back if he was all cut up?)


I was at my school in Feltham (Not quite the same), and there was a war about to happen. The other side were across a massive field, and I shouted something like "You don't have to fight. You can go home and actually survive". I was weirdly brave given how scary it was. I then turned and walked back to the school area to prepare. I tried crafting some kind of holster for a knife I had. I then vaguely remember some people trying to hide in arcade prize machines so they didn't have to fight. I don't know if it was the same dream, but I was then at the new flat I'd moved into but I hadn't officially moved in yet. I woke up in a panic, as this would have meant I hadn't moved here yet and not met the person I was dating at the time. (So my brain told me they didn't exist)


I don't remember most of the beginning, but I was in an empty warehouse, I was going to be killed for entertainment. At the end though, I met someone that wanted to sue Nintendo for their Animal Crossing Octopi characters' bellies, not matching that of the real life species.


I killed someone (that I don't know), and was constantly on the run. Always moving on trying to act like I wasn't suspicious. Constant dread and fear.


Only a nap, but I kept buying Spider-Man figures and they were sending repeats. He was standing in a gun holding pose, and I knew it wasn't right. A person I believe was (the person I was dating at the time) was arguing with me about the material, saying it was made of 'yanny'. I was certain it wasn't. 


I was inside Fortnite with the person I was dating at the time of the dream. We landed at the house on the lake planning on having private couple time. We were interrupted each time we tried. Then someone arrived with a gun and I didn't have a weapon. I picked up a pen and was unsuccessfully trying to stab them while my partner found somewhere to hide. 


I was in a warehouse sort of maze and it was like Saw. I only really remember running from something, then seeing 50 Cent lying on a table. The back of his head then exploded.


I was watching someone clean a massive shop sign. They unhooked the sign and took it down to clean. I was surprised they didn't jet wash it. (I was googling window cleaners the previous day)


(This was a time I started a new medication, so I was having a lot of repetitive unpleasant dreams. I've not included everything)
I saw a post where my most recent ex had already moved on. Said he's spending time at a motel with a young girl. She had really short green hair. I was somewhere being taken care of  by actresses like Meryl Streep. Barbra Streisand was taking plaits out of my hair. 


I had a strange dream I was trying to escape some kind of school. It was weird. I don't really remember anything.


A pop up came on a computer asking me to buy psychic readings. I didn't get rid of it properly and got a virus. Panic and skip to when it had ruined my life and I was backstage on a chat show. Instead of chatting though, it was like a Battle Royale. Fighting, blood, death. It ended when a friend I know from cosplay suggested how to escape.


I was still with an ex. Cheating and arguing dream. I then started working at a brothel, where lots of famous people went. I didn't get with anyone, but I had deep conversations with Keanu Reeves and he was a really lovely gentleman.


I was in a school building waiting for something. There was a big pile of chocolate stacked up. I picked up a tray of creme eggs. David Tenant was leaning against a wall, I offered him one and he went for the biggest one. I asked "Do you really need another big one?" He looked impressed (wtf?). Another dream a few hours later, I was in a different flat living high up. There was a crazy lady bothering everyone as we were all trying to get in. She kept breaking things accidentally.


I went to an ex's house seemingly for a hookup. Instead, I ended up bonding with his mum and having a nap.


A neighbour called Cara put Jaffa Cakes outside my door with a happy birthday note (It wasn't my birthday.)


Friends with Jeffree Star dream. We went to the pool and beach.


"Had a dream but don't remember it" I typed. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I was in a new place trying to study art. Argument with someone caused them to come and take my bed away. I had nothing to sleep in and was probably going to get kicked out of art.


Lots of scattered dreams that I mostly can't remember. I was with someone I knew in the dream but not real life. We were in a laundrette, and they freaked out to hear I put milk in before cereal (I do). I spent most of the dreams in a massive creepy hotel.


"Forgot dream" I'm dying laughing at typing this sort of thing πŸ˜‚


All I remember is being in someone's house that was so filthy and wrecked, you had to climb over stuff to get anywhere.


An ex got a job in adult entertainment while we were together and I was heartbroken. I waited for him after work, but instead of coming to talk to me he told me which pills to take. (I didn't type which, one can only assume it was dangerous ones)


I was at Jeffree Star's house again, someone very young went on a killing spree. The police didn't take me seriously. There was footage of this child butchering some people yet they didn't believe me.


I was in a new flat, which was a new build, but it wasn't very homey. It was very office like. A lot of the walls were glass, and the floor was those really cheap carpet tiles. I was trying to film my new little fireplace and stereo, but the fire kept going out as soon as I pressed record.


I was going to get my anchor tattoo and another two people did it wrong. It was wonky and red ink. (In reality this is the one tattoo I have that doesn't have imperfections)


I had a caesarean but no baby. They cut me weirdly, it was to the left and right of my womb, vertically all the way down and around the lady parts. Later in the dream, I was making pies from Haribo.


Dreamception. I was dreaming trying to work out whether I had dated Lewis Capaldi in a dream or real life (Neither).


I don't remember much but there was a big comic con outside, I was struggling to park and drive around the roads.


I was trying to get drugs in the form of Smarties. Whenever I got them, they were just normal Smarties and did nothing.


I was in the game Dead By Daylight, which is strange as I haven't played it this year. I was running from that increased heartbeat noise. I came to an indoor metal gate like a jail cell where the bars were lined with cakes similar to the posh food in the movie The Platform. I tried to climb over it to get something and there was another murderer there as I woke up.


I wasn't going to write this one because I woke up so angry but I'm gonna (I actually typed that in the note on my phone). I was on holiday somewhere with an ex. He was being so messy and wasteful in the hotel room. He was using 3 slow cookers to cook chips all day, and only had 3 chips in each machine. For some reason I was responsible for the electric bill. When we needed to check out, he tried to take the car. We hadn't packed but he was trying to drive away the Range Rover we hired. He was basically kidnapping me. I was screaming that we're not leaving our belongings. I was trying to find the handbrake to stop him taking the car when I woke up.


I watched Pirates of the Caribbean in my dream. Wtf.


I went to visit very old childhood friends to transfer some sort of phone data and outstayed my welcome. When I got back, someone put up my Christmas tree. But this was bad, it wasn't Christmas and I wasn't putting it up as I needed lights. On Instagram someone was pretending to be me in my Misty cosplay. There was a professional shoot and someone was tagged that wasn't me, talking about it.


Markiplier showed a room of people including me, a video of people with explosive diarrhoea. I then had to desperately rush to the toilet myself (I didn't wake up needing to). 


Someone I know gave me thousands and thousands of E tablets. There were 4 colours and most were orange. It was a gigantic bag. I woke up before taking any.


I was on a date in some kind of scary above ground submarine thing, but I think it was post apocalypse. Opening a door to people that are like the scorched in Fallout 76. One above ground room was a shower, and it looked like the front garden of the house I grew up in. All overgrown and dangerous.


I was at Jeffree Star's flat in NYC. It was tiny and he lived with someone else. Even though it was central New York, it looked like Nevada deserts outside.


I got a pet cat, but it wasn't trained and I had a hard time doing anything in a different room to it. Later in the dream, I had a bird. The bird was trained and kept giving me kisses. Randomly at some point I got an email from Billie Joe of Green Day, saying he wanted to get in touch with me but I didn't have a phone.


I went on a date with Henry Cavill in some rough looking high street. I don't know if it was the apocalypse. He was being really nice to me and I was surprised he was into me. We went back to my flat so I could change into something more date-worthy, and he was helping me choose when I woke up (πŸ˜’)


I only remember tiny bits of this. I was at someone's house (I didn't know them). There was a bloke who was a bit chavvy, but for some reason I was into him. He showed me something on his phone and an app notification popped up, something about rating women's boobies. He was really embarrassed and I was a bit grossed out. It's an app where real women post naked photos of themselves to be roasted. I don't remember much more other than there was a dog in the house and it was quite dark.


I was supposed to marry Henry Cavill (Wow that was quick πŸ˜‚) and some lady neither of us knew. She ended up dying. I don't know how but I was devastated.


I had a break up with someone (doesn't exist in real life). I was alone and felt all the feels. For some reason, I went to find my dad, when I got to the run down house he had half a dozen women inside. He wouldn't help me. And I had to play some weird board game to escape. The first room was a board game, and every time I tried to step forward one of the women pushed me back to the beginning. (This one was the saddest to type up)


Apocalypse dream, mostly scavenging. It was a bit like looting in Fortnite. I think Rhett and Link were there too. (I was playing RDR2 in real life, which involves a lot of picking up items)


I was in the original Red Dead Redemption. That ending scene. I was there in the barn. Instead of walking outside, I was frantically digging a hole in the mud with my fingernails as quick as I could. I got in, and used a straw to breathe. I woke up just as they entered.


I was trying to find a recipe for the perfect Yum Yums. I was told they were with a lady, but the lady is stuck inside a wall. I could even smell the perfect yum yums. I was trying to figure out a way to tear open the wall, when I was rudely awaken by my groceries being delivered early. So I never got to taste them!

Ok some of those were really weird this year. I particularly belly laughed at the Kanye one.
Did you enjoy those? Read my 2018 dream log too. Let me know on Instagram what you think!

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