Everybody remembers Mufasa's death, Bambi's mum and Baloo. But what about those neglected Disney gems, which are also full of emotion? Here I list (In no order) some of my most heartbreaking moments in the more forgotten Disney films. (I'd like to say, I'm really sorry in advance for any tears!)
Girl Squirrel Heartbroken
Sword in the Stone
I have SO much love for her. I won't give you the pain of her crying, so here is her smiling. When I first saw this film I sobbed like a baby. I was praying throughout the rest of the movie that she would have a happy ending, maybe she would be turned in to a human, maybe it would have turned out that she WAS a girl that mim turned in to a squirrel. But no, even her fate on Disney's wiki is
"Heartbrokenly watches Merlin and Wart return to the castle, in tears"
Hen Wen captured
The Black Cauldron

Isn't that just the cutest name ever? She's so cute and lovely just leave her alone. Stop now, Horned King. I find this scene a bit uncomfortable to watch.
The Aristocats
He breaks my heart by doing nothing. Voiced by Jim Cummings (A Disney LEGEND) he is just so cute. He's a mouse, and yet he cares so much about Duchess and the kittens. So much that he goes out in the cold to look for them, and even approaches alley cats.
Nobody wants Oliver
Oliver and Company
I'll take you! Please come home with me Oliver! This moment will destroy cat lovers. And non cat lovers. There is something wrong with you if you feel nothing.
Q*bert homeless
Wreck-it Ralph
When I saw this film, I actually felt like this scene ruined it for me. It happens early on and it's all I could think about throughout the rest. I actually just burst even getting this image. Hopefully the more I look at it the less It will affect me? Nope, more tissues please *Sob*
Segregation of Quasimodo
Hunchback of Notre Dame
What bothers me most about this is just how real it is. People on Earth are just as shallow, quick to judge others based on what they look like. It also broke my heart a little bit that he didn't get to marry Esmerelda.
Tax man takes Skippy's Birthday coin
Robin Hood
I'm a wreck right now, are you? If I haven't affected you too much, pop over and have a looking at my other Disney blogs. And give your Dumbo teddy a big cuddle from me.